Thank you for supporting MCHA and our mission to spread the Gospel in the DFW hockey community!
Your tax-deductible donation helps MCHA provide benevolence to players in need, equip for our captains (who act both as team coordinators and small group leaders), and fund fellowship events like friendly mixed-roster games and charity events!
You can donate securely and easily online using Zelle through your banking app, or by visiting MCHA's Paypal portal which allows for PayPal, Venmo and direct credit card donation!
- Using Zelle? Direct your donation to
- For Paypal, Venmo, and credit card donation, visit the MCHA Paypal portal at this link
There is no minimum donation amount - we ask that you give as you feel led and only give if you are able to do so joyfully. We greatly appreciate your support and partnership with MCHA!